Charism and past wounds: “Truth and healing”_ Mary Bourdon, rjm (USA)
On Saturday, April 23, we had a formation session with Sister Mary Bourdon, rjm. Based on the guidelines of the JM Formation Book, from a psychological perspective and pointing the way to a healing process, Mary helped us become aware of and delve into how experiences of abandonment, abuse or violence affect a person’s ability to participate fully in the formation process.
33 JM sisters responsible and/or involved in the initial formation of the different countries of the Congregation participated. Thank you very much Mary for your clarity in the exposition and for the possibility of reflecting in groups on the different aspects that were enlightening us.
On Saturday, June 25, the next formation session will take place and it will be addressed to Formators and those responsible for Youth Pastoral. Sister Celina Segovia, rjm (Mexico) will help us reflect and deepen on how to grow in Critical Consciousness in the context of Social Media. The meeting invitation will be sent later.
Thank you all for participating!