Last News
Happy feast of S. Claudine
The Tertians have arrived in Rome. It is a joy that they were able to travel and participate in this stage of formation. They have competed the required quarantine and on 25th January they commenced with great enthusiasm with Sister Ruth Otero. We wish you a deep...
Merry Christmas
The Superior General Sr. Monica Joseph RJM,the general council and the Generalate communityof the Religious of Jesus and Mary,wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021
Second meeting of the Reconfiguration Commission
We continued with the work begun in August; we made progress with regard to the Plan of Action. We met via zoom, with Srs. Francoise Barras and Lourdes Varguez as translators and Sr. Piluca Benavente as our facilitator. 2 BULLETIN_ The journey continues!
First week of Advent
Hi! Each week of Advent this year you will receive 3 short videos from the Angélique. Every video features the experience of a different person. Even if you do not understand the language spoken, we encourage you to watch all 3 and thus get to know a little better...
Stretch forth your hand to the poor
Look at the video
New provincial bursars formation
We had two days of formation with the new Provincial Bursars on October 23 and 24. The Sessions were organized in Spanish and English separately in order to facilitate participation and the deepening of the themes. We began reading a text from the Gospel of Luke that...
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Formation for Provincial Teams – Commissions – Working Groups
Two Zoom conferences took place on October 9th and 10th, organised by the Sr. Monica and the General Council as part of a formation programme for Provincials, Leaders of Delegations and members of Commissions and Work groups .Was the theme for the 9th given by Fr. Tim...