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Seventh Station

Seventh Station

Jesus falls for the second time  Lebanon knows only too well what falling means.On the 4th August 2020 Beirut fell under the cross.I have personally met people broken by this disaster.  I have touched their pain - their physical, moral, spiritual and material...

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Six Station

Six Station

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus Veronica, the ordinary woman who bravely stepped out of the crowd to wipe the face of a suffering man. Who will be Veronica today? Who will bravely step forward out of the crowd? Who will notice suffering and who will do something...

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Fifth Station

Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross Jesus was too weak to carry the Cross anymore and Simon helped Him. It was a change of plan for Simon that day.  Don’t we too run away when things get challenging? Today we are grateful to the countless Simons in our country...

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Fourth Station

Fourth Station

Jesus meets his Mother Living out and proclaiming the faith in Uruguay is a huge challenge because it is a secular country and religion is restricted to the private sphere. Jesus' condemnation to death was the result of His threat to the political and religious system...

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Third Station

Third Station

Jesus falls for the first time The contemplation of the Third Station leads us to recognising in the Lord’s fall the reality currently being experienced by people throughout the world and especially here in Gabon.  Here are some examples to illustrate this: Lack of...

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Jesus takes up his Cross Speaking of taking up the Cross makes me think about our daily lives as Cubans and to ask myself, what are the crosses we bear today? We see the Cross being carried by the young people whose dreams and desires are unfulfilled; by men and women...

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Jesus is condemned to death Jesus continues to be condemned to death today in his innocent, marginalised, voiceless and rejected people. Religious discrimination in Pakistan is a serious human rights issue that affects Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Shias, Ahmadis and...

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Greetings from the Angélique!

Greetings from the Angélique!

This Lent 2021 we continue weaving the threads that bind us together as one JM family by following Jesus on the Way of the Cross. Every Wednesday we will send you two videos focused on two Stations of the Cross. These videos are not ordinary videos! They are gateways...

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Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María5 days ago
El pasado 15 de febrero en Santa Cruz la Hna Libertad Saavedra realizó sus votos perpetuos. De esta manera se incorpora definitivamente a la Congregación. Felicidades!!!!
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María6 days ago
Nos ha visitado alumnos y profesores de 4º de ESO del Colegio de Jesús María Fuensanta-Murcia. Bienvenidos a Roma.
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María2 weeks ago
Desde el pasado jueves se encuentra en Roma la comisión que prepara junto al Consejo general el próximo Capítulo. Seguimos avanzando en la preparación de las asambleas precapitulares y trabajando en los documentos que vamos recibiendo de los capítulos provinciales que se han tenido en enero y febrero. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María3 weeks ago
Feliz día de Santa Claudina!!!
Qué bueno es Dios… esas fueron sus últimas palabras que resumen su fuerte experiencia de la Bondad de Dios.


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