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Fifteenth Station

Fifteenth Station

Christ is Risen On the Sunday morning, the women saw the heavy stone rolled to one side: light had once again entered the dark tomb where they had left Jesus.  He who was Light had opened the tomb!  From the harshest realities, from the most meaningless situations,...

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Fourteenth Station

Fourteenth Station

Jesus is laid in the Tomb  Here in Haiti, we know only too well what it means “to lay Jesus in the tomb”, because we often find ourselves face to face with death. When the stone is rolled across the Lord’s tomb, we feel that life is over, that hope has come to an end...

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Thirteenth Station

Thirteenth Station

Jesus is taken down from the Cross  Joseph of Arimathea’s greatest act of love was to take Jesus down from the Cross and place him in his mother’s arms. Many of our brothers and sisters today are tasked with "un-nailing" and "un-crucifying" others.  Presently in our...

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Twelfth Station

Twelfth Station

Jesus dies on the Cross As we contemplate the death of Jesus, we contemplate God incarnate in our reality, who continues to lay down His life and die. Poverty means Mario's childhood days are far from being carefree.  Without the support of his parents, it is he, who...

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Eleventh Station

Eleventh Station

Jesus is nailed to the Cross People in the Philippines are now suffering from the COVID19 pandemic; natural calamities (earthquakes, typhoons, floods); poverty, nothing to eat, no clothes to wear; homelessness, killings due to drugs, trafficking, interrupted schooling...

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Tenth Station

Tenth Station

Jesus is stripped of his garments I look around me and I think of my parents, my grandparents…  Things have not changed!  I see no dreams in the eyes of the young because the reality that surrounds us does not allow us to dream.  Many women sob quietly because they...

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Ninth Station

Ninth Station

Jesus falls for the third time  esus, you fall for the third time on the road to Calvary; we fall once, twice, ten times a day.In our communities too the fatigue is evident: we are becoming more feeble and down-heartened; we are growing in selfishness and lacking in...

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Eighth Station

Eighth Station

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem  We find in Jesus' encounter with the women of Jerusalem a re-ordering of the generally perceived sequence: the one in need of comfort becomes the comforter to others; the weak one, strengthens others. Dear friends, there are always...

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Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María5 days ago
El pasado 15 de febrero en Santa Cruz la Hna Libertad Saavedra realizó sus votos perpetuos. De esta manera se incorpora definitivamente a la Congregación. Felicidades!!!!
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María6 days ago
Nos ha visitado alumnos y profesores de 4º de ESO del Colegio de Jesús María Fuensanta-Murcia. Bienvenidos a Roma.
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María2 weeks ago
Desde el pasado jueves se encuentra en Roma la comisión que prepara junto al Consejo general el próximo Capítulo. Seguimos avanzando en la preparación de las asambleas precapitulares y trabajando en los documentos que vamos recibiendo de los capítulos provinciales que se han tenido en enero y febrero. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María3 weeks ago
Feliz día de Santa Claudina!!!
Qué bueno es Dios… esas fueron sus últimas palabras que resumen su fuerte experiencia de la Bondad de Dios.


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