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Spirituality from Ignatian sources

Spirituality from Ignatian sources

On January 21, 2023 we had this formation session in which we were accompanied by Sr. Nora Kviatkovski, RJM from the Province of Argentina. She helped us discover spirituality from the primary Ignatian sources: the Epistolary, the Autobiography, the Spiritual Diary,...

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Critical Awareness and Social Media

Critical Awareness and Social Media

On Saturday, June 25, we had a formation session for responsible of formation and Youth pastoral Ministry on social media and critical awareness. Sister Celina Segovia from Mexico, with clear and simple words, spoke to us about the need to use social networks with...

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International Juniorate

International Juniorate

We greet you from Valencia, where we are already at the end of the formative months. During this time we have lived a very enriching experience, thanks to the trust and everyone who collaborated with us. This letter is an expression of our gratitude. READ MORE...

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Sr. Monica Joseph will visit the province of USA-Haiti from Mai 24 to June 29, 2022 . She will be accompanied by Sr. Mª Carmen Muñoz and in the last days Sr. Nuria Cuadras will join in the visit. Let us pray for the Province of USA-Haiti.

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General Visitation to the Province of Bolivia

General Visitation to the Province of Bolivia

The general Visit to the Province of Bolivia was from February 11 to March 14, 2022.Jesus and Mary is present in 5 Regions of Bolivia: Oruro, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, La Paz and Beni. All of them has a rich ancestral culture which is lived and celebrated. It is also...

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General Visitation to the Communities of Peru

General Visitation to the Communities of Peru

The general Visit to the Communities of Peru was from the 6th to the 10th of February 2022.We wholeheartedly thank each one of the Sisters for their kind welcome and for the fraternal spirit shared and celebrated during the days that we visited them. News

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Formators Meeting Online 23 April 2022

Formators Meeting Online 23 April 2022

Charism and past wounds: “Truth and healing”_ Mary Bourdon, rjm (USA)On Saturday, April 23, we had a formation session with Sister Mary Bourdon, rjm. Based on the guidelines of the JM Formation Book, from a psychological perspective and pointing the way to a healing...

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Private Area


Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María2 days ago
El consejo general de los hermanos del Sagrado corazón y el de Jesús -María nos hemos encontrado en la Casa general de los hermanos. Nos han mostrado la preparación y actividades que tienen previstas para el 200 aniversario del fallecimiento del P. André Coindre. Ha sido un momento de fraternidad e inspirador para todos.
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María2 weeks ago
Nos ha visitado alumnos y profesores de 1º de Bachillerato del Colegio de Jesús María Fernando el Catolico - Valencia. Bienvenidos a Roma.
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María3 weeks ago
El tercer año ha podido visitar la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona, Monserrat, la Cova de Manresa y la primera casa de Jesús María en España.
Hoy inician sus ejercicios de mes en Loyola. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María4 weeks ago
Hemos hecho nuestros ejercicios anuales en nuestra casa de Loyola. Un privilegio poder estar cerca de casa natal de Ignacio y los lugares donde el creció. Gracias a la comunidad de Loyola por sus atenciones y detalles.
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestras oraciones. Volvemos a la vida ordinaria.


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