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On Friday, January 11, 2019, approximately 200 persons participated in the inauguration of our new Parish, the Parish of Blessed Dina Bélanger.   As part of a fraternal supper, together we discovered the life and spirituality of our patron, Dina Bélanger, and we...

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Visit to LEBANON and SYRIA

Visit to LEBANON and SYRIA

Sr. Monica Joseph RJM, General Superior, was accompanied by Sr. Mª Carmen Muñoz RJM, General Councillor responsible for Europe, during the Visitation of Lebanon and Syria from 9th - 19th of December 2018. Sr. Helen Mary Haigh RJM, Provincial Superior, came with us...

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General Visitation to the Province of Canada

General Visitation to the Province of Canada

Sister Monica Joseph RJM, Superior General and Sister Alejandra Diaz RJM, Councilor for America, visited the Province of Canada; the communities and works in Peru, from the 5th to the 12th of September 2018 and the communities and works in Canada, from October 14 to...

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We prepare for the XXXVII General Chapter

We prepare for the XXXVII General Chapter

JOURNEYING IN HOPE AS ONE APOSTOLIC FAMILY Rome from the 16th September to the 16th October 2019 The Biblical text that will accompany us during this year of preparation, and that will enlighten the General Chapter is:  The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Lk 1:39-56...

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Oficial visitation to France and Germany

Oficial visitation to France and Germany

Sister Monica Joseph RJM, Superior General, accompanied by Sister Mª Carmen Muñoz RJM General Councilor responsible for the Region of Europe, visited the communities of Germany and France, which belong to the Province of Europe. Read more...

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Good bye, our very dear Marie- Èlisabeth…

Good bye, our very dear Marie- Èlisabeth…

Dearest Elisabeth, you left us so suddenly, we did not wish you goodbye, I only said: “go to sleep…”you smiled and closed your eyes… little did I know that this would be the last. Your simplicity, total availability, sense of humour, sensitiveness, dedication and love...

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General Visitation to the Province of Mexico-Cuba

General Visitation to the Province of Mexico-Cuba

Sister Monica Joseph, RJM, Superior General, and Sister Alejandra Diaz, RJM, Councilor for America, visited Mexico and Cuba from February 5th to March 20th, 2018.  Sister Irene Rodriguez, RJM Councilor responsible for formation, joined them on March 9th and together...

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Visita general a la Delegación de África

Visita general a la Delegación de África

Noticias de África En el mes de diciembre de 2017, la H. Monica Joseph, Superiora General, y las hermanas Mª Elisabeth Ides, Consejera General responsable de la Región de África e Irene Rodrigues, responsable del sector de Formación, han visitado las comunidades y...

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Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María6 days ago
El pasado 15 de febrero en Santa Cruz la Hna Libertad Saavedra realizó sus votos perpetuos. De esta manera se incorpora definitivamente a la Congregación. Felicidades!!!!
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María1 week ago
Nos ha visitado alumnos y profesores de 4º de ESO del Colegio de Jesús María Fuensanta-Murcia. Bienvenidos a Roma.
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María2 weeks ago
Desde el pasado jueves se encuentra en Roma la comisión que prepara junto al Consejo general el próximo Capítulo. Seguimos avanzando en la preparación de las asambleas precapitulares y trabajando en los documentos que vamos recibiendo de los capítulos provinciales que se han tenido en enero y febrero. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Congregación Jesús-María
Congregación Jesús-María3 weeks ago
Feliz día de Santa Claudina!!!
Qué bueno es Dios… esas fueron sus últimas palabras que resumen su fuerte experiencia de la Bondad de Dios.


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