Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
We find in Jesus’ encounter with the women of Jerusalem a re-ordering of the generally perceived sequence: the one in need of comfort becomes the comforter to others; the weak one, strengthens others.
Dear friends, there are always people around us submerged in sorrow and silent tears, needing someone to comfort them. Do we have hearts sensitive enough to see these heavy-laden brothers and sisters? Or do we become so absorbed in our own problems and preferences that we forget or become insensitive to their silent but bitter tears.
Love demands that we watch out for one another, that we be another’s keeper. Not so far from us are many women and children and persons suffering the pains of bitter human conditions. Jesus sees you and comforts you. But we need more consolers. And you can be a comforter to someone.
We ask God to give us the grace to respond to others in need even when we are busy or preoccupied with our own problems. May we too comfort others with the same consolation we receive from God. Amen.