We had an online meeting of two days, 12 and 13 of October 2020, from 15.00 to 18.00 hours, Roman time.

Charism and Spirituality

Sisters Rosemary Mangan (USA), Ruth Otero (Argentina), and Laura Alvarez (Equatorial Guinea, Africa), Encarna Viarnès and Shanty George form the Commission of Charism and Spirituality. We dialogued on forms or ways of deepening the Charism of Claudine, in the present day context, for the Religious as well as for the Laity. It is also our desire, as a Commission, to go to the source of the experiences of the Religious and of the Laity who live the Charism profoundly and to share testimonies in order to inspire others.
Later we will share with you some processes that can help us to make this a transforming experience for all. The Commission will have another encounter, via Zoom, on November 17.


The members of the Commission are Lucía Gutiérrez (young girl from Spain), Srs. Josefina Alburquerque (Delhi), Lourdes Várguez (Canada) and Alejandra Diaz.
We dialogued and deepened our JM Preferences, the Global Educational Pact and the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis to young people, Christus vivit, which was previously reflected upon and prayed by each one of us. In this way, we have begun to know one another and to prepare the ground with the fundamentals that we want to have present in our mission. Next month, we will continue with the work to direct the way that we want to follow. There is still much to be done but we have hope and desire to collaborate. The Commission will have a new encounter, via Zoom, on November 10.

Shared Mission

The Commission of Shared Mission is formed by S. Mary Kelly (Ireland), Ana Abellán (Spain), Elbio Medina (Uruguay) and S. Mª Carmen Muñoz.
We began our work reflecting and dialoguing on what was formulated in the Chapter on the Shared Mission, the JM Preferences and the document “Global Educational Pact”.
One of the objectives entrusted to us is to “prepare a Plan of Formation to grow in Shared Mission for Laity and Religious, that includes the way of transmitting the Charism, the pedagogy and the values of Claudine”. We gave suggestions and ideas for the Plan. We see that it is important to get in touch with those responsible for the Shared Mission of the Provinces/Delegations and ask them for suggestions.
The Commission will have a new encounter via Zoom on November 20, to continue advancing.


The Economic Commission, Srs. Felicia Pereira (India), Mary Bourdon (USA), Mary Furuya (Peru) and Núria Cuadras (General Bursar) met to continue deepening on the themes that the General Chapter asked us: fund raising and formation of new Provincials and Local Bursars. We are preparing a Manual of “Administration of Jesus and Mary” that at this moment consists of four chapters: role of the Bursar, attitudes of the Bursar, style of poverty and relationship of the Bursar with the community and with the Provincial Council. We also considered the next steps to be taken in the campaign of fund raising, “Jesus and Mary – more together than ever”. Superiors and Provincial Bursars have received a form to present some Project to be financed.
The new Bursars will have a formation session on October 23 and 24. The next meeting of the Commission will be via Zoom