Each day is an opportunity to give thanks to God for our own life and that of others.

Today at Via Nomentana 325, we gathered as a Community to celebrate with Mother Cecilia and Mother Berchmans the life live in plenitude. Two birthdays, two lives, lived in love.

Mother Cecilia’s nephews, nieces came from the United States of America, the Community and the close friends of us, celebrated the Eucharist in which we remembered the “Yes” of a woman, “Mary” who gave birth to a Son to give us the Good News.

Today has been a great day, full of surprises and affection, recognized the exceptional life lived in generosity, a life that invites us to grow in love and tenderness, smile and good humor, patience and hospitality.

As the light cannot hidden, the news of 115th birthday of Mother Cecilia spread like the fragrance of spring in the Eternal City, which honored her as Honorary Citizen of Rome.

The Second head of the Municipality of Rome and the Assistance of the Mayor presented her a memento “The Dean of Rome and second Dean of Italy” and gave her a medal and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

The Italian television (Rai 1) has prepared an amazing report that will telecast next Monday. May it be a testimony of life lived for others because God loved us first.

Happy Birthday, Mother Cecilia and Mother Berchmans!